Some cards playes, others remain. But in the end it's not the ace that makes you a winner. It's the last card. And I'm starting to think that I'm never going to run out of cards. But sooner or later I'm gonig to sit with my last card, and I hope with all of my heart that it's you on the picture. But I wont know until I get their. So I guess whats left to do is to play the cards. Can't be so much harder then that, right? But don't forget util the time comes, I love you. On a way the she never going to do. If it's meant for you and me to be, we will finde our way out.
By: HannaKindholm
Postat av: Majja BK Welin
SV: Vadå jag va seriös? jag längtar till tisdag.. ingen får va sjuk!